
System Settings

 General Setting #

To change general setting for hospital like hospital logo, hospital name, language etc. superadmin/admin user need to login in Smart Hospital, then go to sidebar menu Setup > Settings > General Setting click on Edit Hospital Logo, Edit Hospital Small Logo and Edit App Logo upload logo image to update your Smart Hospital and Smart Hospital android app logo.Apart from logos here you can update your Hospital Name, Hospital Code (Is your affiliation and accreditation no),

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 Notification Setting #

To manage notification setting, go to Setup > Settings > Notification Setting. There are 9 events OPD Patient Registration, IPD Patient Registration, IPD Patient Discharged, Login Credential, Appointment Approved, Live Meeting, Live Consult, OPD Patient Discharged and Forget Password where automated Email / SMS are sending to concerning person’s email / mobile number. To control, when email / sms notifications will be send use Notification Setting. Check the following at

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 System Notification Setting #

To manage system notification setting, go to Setup > Settings > System Notification Setting.  There are 56 events  where system notification are sending to concerning user (staff or patient or both) Smart Hospital account. With the help of event option setting you can manage which notifications to send in which event to which person (staff or patient) and select the check box and then click on Save button.To edit sample message click on Edit icon present

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 SMS Setting #

To manage SMS setting, go to Setup > Settings > SMS Setting then select any SMS gateway from top of the page which you want to enable on your Smart Hospital then enter Auth Key, Sender Id and select Status and then click on Save button.Here we are providing 8 SMS Gateway namely Clickatell SMS Gateway, Twilio SMS Gateway, MSG91, Text Local, SMS Country, Bulk SMS, Mobi

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 Email Setting #

After adding student or staff if you found there is no email is sending by system then there may be email configuration issue on your server / Smart Hospital.In Smart Hospital we have used phpmailer library which is used by many popular php application like WordPress, Drupal, SugarCRM, Yii, Joomla etc.By default SendMail is set as Email Engine in Setup > Settings > Email Setting. SendMail can only work and send

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 Payment Methods #

For allowing patient to pay their payment online then you must have to enable any one of payment gateway, for this go to Setup > Settings > Payment Methods then select any payment method from top of the page then enter your payment gateway account details in required fields then click on the Save button.Here we are providing 16 payment method

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 Front CMS Setting #

This module is used to add menu, page, event, media manager in smart Hospital.Front CMS module workflow- First we will add menu and menu items, pages, banner images, event, gallery, news and media manager.First of all, configure front CMS  by Setup > Settings > Front CMS Setting. Here select Enable/Disable fields are Front CMS, sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode, Sidebar Option, Logo (369px X 76px), Favicon (32px X 32Px), Footer Text, Google Analytics, WhatsApp

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 Prefix Setting #

In Smart Hospital there is a setting available called Prefix Setting where you can add predefined prefix for different modules like OPD, IPD, IPD Prescription etc. For e.g For IPD No. you can set perfix as IPDN so further IPD numbers will be add as IPDN01, IPDN02 etc.

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 Roles Permission #

A user’s role determines what they can and cannot do in a site. Each role has a default set of permissions. We can assign different permission to different user according to their roles.To add roles, go to Setup > Settings > Roles Permission then enter role Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Role List on the right side of the page.To delete role click on Delete icon present in the role list.To

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 Backup / Restore #

Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. The purpose of the backup is to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure. Primary data failures can be the result of hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event, such as a malicious attack (virus or malware), or accidental deletion of data.To create backup, go to Setup > Settings

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 About Settings #

Settings is used to manage your website settings such as current themes, modules visibility, notifications etc. This module contain 15 sections – General Setting, Notification Setting, System Notification Setting, SMS Setting, Email Setting, Payment Methods, Front CMS Setting, Prefix Setting, Roles Permissions, Backup/ Restore, Languages, Users, Captcha Settings, Modules, System Update to manage website.

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 Language Setting #

You can enable multiple languages and select your default language. To change language key phrases, go your language directory e.g. for English language go to the file /application/language/English/app_files/system_lang.php . Where as /application/language/English/form_validation_lang.php file is used for validation message text. Here we are providing 76 language in our Smart Hospital –1. Afrikaans2. Albanian3. Amharic4. Arabic5. Azerbaijan6. Basque7. Bengali8. Bosnian9.

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 Users #

All the users like Patient, Staff can be seen here and you can enable or disable them from login to system.To enable or disable patient user. Select tab of Patients present at top right corner then click on toggle button in Action column.In same way you can enable or disable staff user.  Select tab of Staff present at top right corner then click on toggle button in Action column.

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 Captcha Setting #

The term Captcha stands for ‘Completely Automated Public Turing-test to tell Computers and Humans Apart’. Captcha is the random code generated in the form of an image to protect the web form submission automatically. Captcha ensures that the submission of the web form is done by a human not programmatically or the response from the client side is generated by a human.Here we are using text-based captcha. Text based captcha are usually known words or random combinations of letters

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 Modules #

Smart Hospital comes with 25+ modules but there are 24 modules available to enable/disable from whole system. In Smart Hospital if you disable any module from System then disable module will be disabled for all the users of Smart Hospital that means disabled module will be disable for overall Hospital and if module disabled from Patient tab then it will be disable for Patient panel. It works over Roles Permission module so even you have given permission for module but after disabling module

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What are your feelings
Updated on April 16, 2024